A picture is worth a thousand words.

In our 33rd year — a 3rd of a century.
Roslyn, New York

Adele & Irwin 1986

One more treasured photo.

 ​​Celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary at Lou G. Siegel’s, the catering restaurant in New York City where we were married. Our wedded bliss lasted another 34 years. Adele left this world 7 days after our 59th Anniversary, but she lives on in my treasured memories of her life and love. And Adele’s overflowing love lives on in the minds and hearts of our children, Jonathan, Mark and Judy, our daughters-in-law, Susan and Maria, and our grandchildren, Sam, Max, Brian, Aaron, Eleni and Jason.

Adele & Irwin 1978

                                                                                     December 27, 2012

Dear Irwin,
           We were deeply saddened by the news of Adele’s death.
           We recall the lights and the shadows of more than fifty years that we spent, happily, with you and Adele. Sadly, the years with Adele have now drawn to a close.
          Your marriage to Adele was a beautiful and enduring union. Each of you enhanced the love and sensitivity of the other.
          Adele’s days in this world brought out the best that was in her. She was a pious, God-fearing person, who loved people and gave of herself to them. Her heart was as big as a mountain. Her gracious gifts of caring and generosity overflowed. Quietly, and without fanfare, she devoted herself energetically and passionately to people in need. And she never spoke about this part of her life.
          Adele was admired, respected, loved and honored, not only by you and your family, but also by all people whom she touched. And for this, she will always occupy a special place in our hearts.
         Adele’s beauty remained with her to the very end. In her relationships with people, she was endowed with a unique combination of modesty, humility and charm. She was neither daunted nor dismayed by adversity. She permitted her heart to take courage.
          We pray that Adele’s spirit will inspire others to emulate her virtues—to live wisely and fruitfully, in truth and understanding, in love and peace.
         We hope, Irwin, that you and your family, who mourn this exceptional, honorable, and dearly beloved person, will have the strength to endure her loss.
         May Adele’s soul be bound up in the bond of eternal reward, and may she rest in peace, forever more.
Regina & Phil

Many friends wrote thoughtful and loving remembrances of their relationship with Adele. Of those, a letter from Regina and Phil Stone, one of our closest friends for more than half a century, clearly articulates and captures the essence of who Adele was. The unedited letter is reproduced below with the kind permission of Regina and Phil. It is dated the same day Adele passed away.
